Test Box Create and Change Test Series
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Create and Change Test Series:

Figure 93: Test Series Editor

Create your own test series or to edit existing test series:

  1. Launch the program (directory C:\Programs\ACAM), or click <set> in the Measure tab to launch setup for the test box/real ear.

  1. Click the button <Create /Change Test Series> to launch ACAM_Messreihen.exe.

Figure 94: Loaded test series

  1. Click <Load> to loud a test series or use add actions. Figure 94 shows a test series that was loaded into the editor. (Note: name and location can be found in the headline of the editor.)

  1. Figure 94 shows examples of test series that have been loaded.

  1. Click on the corresponding measurement to view or change the parameters.

  1. When edits have been completed to the test series, click <Save>.

  1. Click the X in the upper right corner of the window to close the window.

Operating the Editor:


Load a test series to be edited.


Edited test series can be saved. A save window launches to allow the user to save the test series under the same or a different name.


Delete a test series.

Action Window

A list of the measurements in the test series are found in the action window.

Click on the corresponding measurement to view or change the parameters.

Delete selected action

Click on <Delete selected action> to delete an action/measurement from the list in the action window.

Click on the action to delete to highlight it in blue and delete the item.

Select action

Select an action from the available list.

Click on the button located below to add the action to the list.

Add selected action to the end

Adds the selected action to the end of the list in the selection window.

Add selected action prior to the chosen one

Adds the selected action above the currently chosen action in the list.