The calibration of the in situ probes needs to be done without tube! The tube correction values are saved in the software and will be added to the measurement results automatically.
This makes the handling of the REM easier and faster in your daily worklflow.
You only have to pick one of the three tubes which we delivered together with the REM module, and you can start the measurement directly, without calibration!
If you experience a non-flat curve despite a correct calibration or if you need to have a customized tube length, due to the anatomical requirements, you have to perform a complete extended calibration.
Before you perform a tube calibration you should make the 'normal' calibration, because this raises the quality of the tube calibration (see also: Binaural - plugin and AS 03 or AS 04 probe).
Tube calibration process:
In this tab you can find all the settings for the calibration. Here click on the 'Tube calibration' button to proceed. If this button is greyed out you are either not in 'REM' mode or the button 'both sides' is enabled. If that is the case you have to exit the setup and click on 'REM' and the side you want to calibrate (left or right). Then reenter the setup and proceed as described above. |
A new window appears after you have clicked on 'tube calibration'. There are four different types of tube lengths available. 1.) short tube (20mm) 2.) medium-length tube (25mm) 3.) long tube (30mm) 4.) Custom length. (in picture: 40mm tube length). These defautl tube lengths may not be changed normally. If you wish to have other tube lengths we strongly recommend to save them in memory number four. |
Measurement of tube transmission: Before you start the measurement place the probe in reference position: |
Position the tube in the reference plane as shown in the picture on the left side. The tube vent must lie on the loop of the wire. This is important because the tube vent and the reference microphone must be in the same plane of the sound field. This needs to be precisely as possible for that the quality of the calibration is good. Now position the probe in the same distance as described in the calibration chapter, and in the reference plane to the loudspeaker (see also: Binaural - plugin and AS 03 or AS 04 probe ). |
Now choose an sufficiently high sound pressure level. We recommend to pick 80 dB to keep mismeasurements due to disturbing noise as low as possible. If a mismeasurement happens you can discard the calibration by simply closing the window and then clicking 'Do not save'. |
Right-click with your mouse in the diagram to open a context menu as shown in the picture to the left. 1.) Discard the measurement by clicking 'Set default values' (the calibration will not be saved) 2.) Save the measurement by clicking 'Save as default' (The calibration is now the new default value for this type of tube length) |
When you close the window a popup appears , asking you if you want to save the data. You can discard or save the calibration. |