Miscellaneous - Simulation - Introduction
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

The Simulations tab includes popular fitting procedures as well as a three dimensional target curve display.

The Simulations tab is divided into subtabs: Target method and Analysis.

As visible in the figure the tab miscellaneous/simulations again is divided in "Target method" and "Analysis"

Figure 223: Target method sub-tab

For more information please refer to the sections: "Simulation: Target Method" and "Simulation: Analysis."

Additional Notes:

To display the target values for test box or real ear measurements, two steps are necessary: 

  1. Under the Target method sub-tab you can enable the frequency target, dynamic target, combined frequency, and dynamic target.
  2. Look under the save dialog section, whether the required displays are enabled.

For more information please refer to the section: "Display and Administrative Curves.