The system tab is divided into fields:
The User's Settings (also User Profiles or only named Profiles):
All settings performed in ACAM System are saved in a profile. The setups described here (you may find them in nearly every tab) may be adjusted according to your needs through a personal profile. The ACAM System can adjust based on specified preferences. These preferences can be established under the system tab. The profile "Standard" is the default setting and cannot be deleted or renamed. In a new installation, an update, or an installation of a patch, the "Standard" profile is always overwritten. Personalized profiles can also be created. This may be helpful if multiple people are using the same ACAM System and have different set-up preferences. Each person can create his/her own profile where the default settings can be specified. There is no limit for the number of possible profiles.
This is an example of the currently enabled profile. The currently enabled profile is displayed in the head line of the ACAM System.
The Profile Settings:
<Save>: The profile will be saved onto the harddrive under the provided name. This also occurs when the option <Save settings when signing-off ACAM> is disabled. |
<Save settings when signing-off ACAM>: This option saves all current settings in the ACAM System when closing. When the ACAM System is re-started all the previous settings will be re-applied. If this option is not selected, all changes will not be saved. |
The blue highlighted line represents the enabled setup. Click the mouse on another entry and the current set-up will be saved and the new profile will be loaded and enabled. You can change between the ACAM System settings quickly. Deleting or creating new profiles as well as renaming profiles is described below. |
When the ACAM System starts, you can select a special profile to be used. If this option is enabled a query appears when starting ACAM: |
This window appears and you may select a profile to be applied at the startup of the ACAM System. The Standard profile is always preselected. Click <Cancel> to start with the Standard profile. |
It is possible to protect the profiles against accidental manipulations. See below under password protection. |
If the above feature is enabled, a window will appear where you can enter in the password you would like to use to protect certain files. |
Modifying Profiles:
Double click, with the left mouse key, the profile you would like to change.
A context menu appears providing different manipulation options: |
Use on startup: |
Selects this profile as a start-up profile (detectable by the appendix ***Start-up profile***). |
Create profile: |
The selected profile (here standard) is copied and a dialog asks you to enter a file name: Figure : Create new profile Here you can select a new name for the profile. Click <Create profile> to save the file name. |
Delete profile: |
Deletes the selected profile. The standard profile may not be deleted. If you delete a profile that was set to be the start-up profile, the standard profile is re-established as the start-up profile. |
Rename profile: |
Opens a window where the selected profile name is entered. Figure : Change profile name Enter a new profile name. Select <Create profile> to save the file name. |
Change nothing: |
Closes the selection menu. No changes are performed. |
Further settings:
ACAM Size: Here you determine whether the ACAM System will start in the window mode (1024x768 Pixel) or in the full screen mode (your desktop resolution). This setting is not applied until the computer is restarted. |
Animation of tabs: select <Tabs with pictogram> to display pictures near the description of the tab.
When signing-off with NOAH: This screen provides the following options:
These features allow you to save the ACAM System data as text or picture files which allow them to be opened in other programs. The standard folder where these data are saved is: "C:\Programme\ACAM\". It is possible to change the folder where the items will be saved each time you need to save something. To save disk space you should select these options only when you really want to use these formats. For details of the formats please refer to the section: "Technical Information." |
<ACAM window always in the foreground> |
This prevents the ACAM System window from being covered by other windows. This may be useful when working with the ACAM System and a fitting module. |
<Create NOAH data at sign-off> |
This option creates empty forms for a data set within NOAH. For example, when no audiogram is available, there may be one saved in NOAH, but the folder remains empty. Serves for troubleshooting in older versions of the NOAH Software. |
<Load last 10 NOAH-sessions> |
Loads the last 10 audiograms from NOAH into the ACAM System memory. This allows for comparisons to be made between audiological characteristics. In the ACAM System you can display or print the current diagram or an older diagram. |
<Compare saved data from NOAH with current memory> |
When this feature is enabled, the ACAM System can notify you when storage problems occur within NOAH. The ACAM System will check whether the data have been completely received by NOAH and will notify you if this has occurred. |
<Fast ACAM restart> |
This option is useful if you have the demo version of the ACAM System software. It is also useful if you want to quickly access available measuring curves or audiogram data. This will allow the ACAM System to bypass non-relevant features at the startup and focus only on the selected data you wish you retrieve. |
<AkuWin Interface (Store)> |
Select this option when you use the AkuWin software. Then ACAM System accesses the fitting information saved within the AkuWin store and saves it within the specified patient's file. This feature only works with the old AkuWin version, not with AkuWin NT. |
<Undo activated> |
Switch on and off the undo function. Please refer to the section: "Administration: delete/export/import" for more information. |
Starts the ACAM System's remote maintenance program. Please refer to the section "Remote maintenance" for more information. |
Password Protection:
In the ACAM System it is possible to protect the profile settings with a password.
Password protection enabled: |
Password protection disabled: |
When password protection is enabled, adjustments are disabled. The user may not perform any manipulations. |
When password protection is disabled, adjustments are enabled. The user can perform manipulations. |
Working with the Password Protection:
Enable password protection: Click on <Protect profile with password>.
Figure : Password Protection |
The window to the left opens. Enter in the password you would like to use two times. Click <Save changes> to enable the entered password. The system tab will change as described above. |
Unlock the entries in the ACAM System even if the password protection is enabled. Enter a password in the corresponding field, refer to the figure to the left. |
If the correct password is entered a window appears stating "Correct entry. Setups can be edited." Click <Ok> to continue. If you close and restart the ACAM System software, the password protection is re-established. Uncheck the box next to <Protect profile with password> and a password will no longer be required to make changes. |
To enable the password protection you may also click <Relock setups>. This will re-establish the password protection feature. |
When you want to limit the functions of the ACAM System to other users, you can hide specified sections from the user within the "ACAM Configurator." These areas should also be password protected.