Binaural Measurement
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

If you have purchased the binaural-plugin for your ACAM-device, a new button 'Bo.' (activates both ears for measuring) appears in the REM mode of the 'Measure' tab.

If you click this button you can measure binaural, that means both ears at once.

The measurements datas may be displayed for a single side (right or left) or both sides at once as shown below. This is a very time-effective way of gathering the REM-datas foir both ears with only one measurement!

Figs.: Different display-options for the binaural REM

Right side ('Ri'-button) chosen:

All measured curves for the right ear only are being displayed

Left side ('Le'-button chosen:

All measured curves for the left ear only are being displayed

Both sides ('Bo.'-button) chosen:

All measured curves for both ears are being displayed.

It is not important how the datas were measured , monaural or binaural. ACAm can display both sides at once, also if they were measured monaurally. If you want to see the Input-Output-Level diagram for both sides, please click the 'IL-OL'-button.

Fig.: IL-OL-diagram for both sides in one window.

Both sides ('Bo.'-button) and 'IL-OL'-button clicked:

The input-output-level diagram for both sides are being displayed.

Side-specific settings:

The saving dialogue has been exptended. Each entry in the dialogue is now desginated to one side, left or right. Some settings are disabled if there are only datas for one side. For example if only one OEG (REUR) exists, the switch from In Situ Gain (REAR) to Insertion Gain (REIR) is disabled.

We recommend to make these settings in the monaural mode. Also the choice of the target gain should be made monaural, because it is possible to make different settings for each side.


The calibration should be done successively for each side and not in binaural mode. For our in situ probes type AS03 (tube version) and AS04 (microphone version) the calibration structures changed. The tube calibration must now be made apart from the normal calibration proces. Please see Binaural - Einschub und AS 03 oder AS 04 and chapter Tube-Calibration for more informations.