Real Ear Recording REUR
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

Recording REUR:

Click <f> to enable the frequency measurement.

Figure 107: Frequency measurement drop-down menu

Click on the <f> drop down menu and select acquire REUG (Figure 107).

Click <go> or press the Enter key to start the actual measurement.

Click <go> again or press the ESC key to interrupt or cancel the measurement.

Figure 108: Save REUG

  • Select from one of four storage spaces to save the REUG (Figure 108).
  • Check the status of the slot to determine if the storage space is already occupied by curves (Figure 108). By default, REUG #1 (OEG #1) is always activated.
  • If a storage space is selected that is already occupied, the REUG is saved and overwrites the previously saved curve.
  • Select <next> continue or <cancel> to cancel the measurement.

Figure 109: Frequency measurement window

Prior to the start of the actual measurement, a prompt for further options will be displayed (Figure 109).

  1. Select the input sound pressure level for the measurement or manually enter a level and press the Enter key.
  2. Click <Start measurement> to start the measurement.
  3. The measurement results will appear on the screen when completed. It is possible to show, hide or delete the curves or add a comment.
  4. Click <go> again or press the ESC key to interrupt or cancel the measurement.

Important Advice:

After recording a REUR, the ACAM System does not automatically switch to the REIR (real ear insertion gain) model. To switch to REIR, open the save window and select the REUR curve to be used for the computation.

Other use of the REUR Curve(s):

Figure 110: Save window

Figure 110 shows the save window for real ear measurements.

To switch from the REAR (insitu gain) display to the REIR (insertion gain) display, select the REUR to use by clicking in the checkmark box.

Close the save window.

Computation of the REUR Curves:

It is possible to enable several displays at the same time in the ACAM System. The number of curves that display depends on the number of curves selected in the save window.

Figure 111a: REAR measurement curve

Figure 111b: Only insitu gain is enabled

The measurements are displayed as REAR (insitu gain).

Figure 112a: REIR measurement curve

Figure 112b: Only insertion gain is enabled

The measurements are displayed as REIR (insertion gain).

Figure 113a: REAR and REIR measurement curves

Figure 113b: Insitu gain and insertion gain enabled

Both REAR and REIR measurement curves are displayed.

Figure 114a: REIR measurement curve

Figure 114b: Insertion Gain (difference between 1 and 2) enabled

The REIR is displayed using REUR #1 and REUR #2.

Figure 115a: REIR measurement curve

Figure 115b: Insertion gain and REUG #2 enabled

The REIR is displayed using REUG #1 and REUG #2.

REUR #1 and REUR #2 are subtracted from REAR.