Scaling (AHA) - Setup
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

Within the Scaling setup menu, measuring parameters can be adjusted. 

Click on <set> within the Psychoacoustic tab to open the Scaling setup menu.

Figure 204: AHA Setup/Loudness scaling tab

Loudness Scaling (Figure 204):

  • Adjust the signal parameters: signal type, transducers, signal duration, etc.
  • Background: The background function is not accessible at this time.
  • Measurement: Select a <1-step> or <2-step> scaling procedure. It is also possible to set a message prompt to appear prior to manual presentation. The customer dialog on/off can also be selected. Please refer to the "Scaling: Operation" section for more information.
  • If measurement value is available: Select the ACAM System function after measuring a value for the second time.
  • Signal length: Select the presentation time of the signal.
  • Amplitude modulation: This feature is set to default as "off", but is appropriate for use in research labs. 

Figure 205: AHA Setup/Scaling representation and tools tab

Scaling representation and tools (Figure 205):

  • Calculation if at least: Select the minimum number of measured points required in order to generate a loudness function.
  • Auditory fields: Select the appearance of the loudness function curves.
  • General: Select whether of not to display the measuring limits and tone audiogram.
  • Hearing aid measurement: Scaling without hearing aids, requires hearing aid gain measurements. The parameters of these measurements can be adjusted in the hearing aid measurement section. The level values for the measurement can later be used as correction values.

Figure 206: AHA Setup/Scaling test series tab

Scaling test series (Figure 206):

  • Selection of hearing fields: Select the auditory ranges to be measured and disable the auditory ranges to not be measured.
  • Measurement rules: Test series are generated within the training mode or actual measurement scaling mode. Adjust the test series parameters here.
  • Measured value limit: The levels specified can not be exceeded or undershot.
  • Use control file: AHA procedures can be manipulated using a control file. Please refer to the section: "Technical Information" for more details.

The Functions in Detail:

Loudness Scaling Tab: Adjust the signal parameters: signal type, transducers, signal duration, etc.

Patient dialog window <Proceed> button on:

Patient dialog window <Proceed> button off:

Figure 207: Scaling patient dialog window, with <Proceed> button shown and hidden

Scaling representation and tools tab:

In the example to the left the following features are enabled:

  • Bold curves: The curve is set to be bold.
  • Show reference function: The reference function is visible (green curve).

Figure 208: Example of loudness function graphical display

Scaling Test Series Tab:

Scaling test series: