Doubleclick the installation package.
Fig.: Unpack the installation |
This window opens. Start the unkacking by cklicking the "Extract" button. A folder with the same name of the installationfile will be created. Open this folder and start the file setup.exe The installation starts. |
When a user without adminstrator rights is logged on the computer a message appears an the installation stops. If this happens please logon to the computer again with admin rights.
Then the installation showas if the correct operating system is present, if there is enough available harddisk space and if a ACAM installation is found. I
You want to install a demo version:
start the installation by pressing "start installation now" button. The installation will start and run automaticly. |
You want to install a full version:
First installation (or change of the computer):
When you do a first installation on a computer you need a registry (.reg file), which is attended to your ACAM. You must add this file to the system registry of the computer. Use the regedit program. It is very important, that you use this (newest) reg file.
To activate the licence file make the upper side of the window bigger to make the button "Activate ACAM licence file". Click on the botton to import the ACAM licence file. After importing the licence the setup program analyses again to start the installation. Please not that the shown licence number must be the same then the serial number of the ACAM System (you can find the ACAM serrial number on the back of the ACAM unit). |
Update (ACAM software already installed):
Remind to do a Backup of the ACAM folders. Start setup.exe The setup program will check out if it's autorized to install.
Messages from the Setup Program:
In the registry of the computer a serial number was found. Also a valid service contract was found. You can go ahead with the installation. No problems will come up. |
In the registry of the computer a serial number was found but no valid service contract is set in the software. You can install ACAM only whe you have a installation Key. This installation key is for every ACAM release and ACAM serial number different. You can do the full version installation only when you have a installation key. Go ahed only when you have a installation key for this program version and this serial number. |
In the registry of the computer a serial number was found but no valid service contract is set in the software. But the installation key which is present is valid for this system. You can go ahead with the installation. No problems will come up. |
In the registry of the computer no serial number was found If you want to install a full version you must activate the licence file (see above). Start installion only when you want to install a demo version! |
Further steps:
After the "start installation" button was pressed the installation starts. There will appear several further steps while the installation assistant runs.
Whle installation is running it might happens that the software prompt to type in the installation key (see above).
After the installation the helpfile will be startet and the chapter "New in ths version" will be displayed.
Now the main part of ACAM is installed. Please note that the soundlibrary and speechfiles are not installesd jet. This must be done in another installation.