Installing the ACAM device on another computer
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To install ACAM on another computer one file is of speacial importance. It can be found in the ACAM directory and has a series of numbers as name and the suffix '.reg'. The series of numbers is the serial number of your ACAM device (e.g. serial number of device is '123', the file's name is: '123.reg'). The serial number of the ACAM device is also engraved on the back of the hardware case. In this file all the important calibration datas are saved. 

Before installing on the new computer make sure the ACAM device is connected correctly via the TCP-IP connection (see also: Netzwerkverbindung zum ACAM). 

If yes, the installation can be started. When the installation routine requests the license file, select the above mentioned .reg file. The installation should now be done error-free. 

Please note that a new calibration must be made if the new sound card is different to the one in the old computer! 

Eventually you have to install additional datas for the speech audiometry after the installation of the software.

We strongly recommend to keep the old computer available until the new system works flawlessly. 

More information can be found in Troubleshooting.