General Operation
Vorheriges Thema  Nächstes Thema 

The basic screen consists of:

When the ACAM System is started, the following basic screen appears (Figure 13):

Figure 13: The ACAM System basic screen


The structure and hierarchy of the operation are similar in every tab.

When buttons are pressed, they are enabled.

Figure 14:

<REM> (Real Ear Measurement), <F> (frequency measurement), and <ri> (right side) are enabled. Enable the <go> button to start a frequency measurement on the right side using the settings selected in the submenus.

Figure 14: Button bar for the real ear measurement

Figure 15:

Move the mouse cursor over a button to display an informative text balloon.

Figure 15: Button bar showing informational text

Measuring Mode and Edit Mode:

Go Button disabled: Edit Mode

  • The <go> button is not pressed.
  • Throughout the software (such as in tone audiometry, scaling, or fitting), it is possible to enter diagrams, edit curves, delete or add comments.
  • A mouse click within the working area will open a context menu providing special commands.
  • In the footer of the ACAM System screen, information is displayed about measurements and curves that are saved in the memory.

Go Button enabled: Measuring Mode

  • The <go> button is pressed.
  • A measurement is enabled, starting, or still running. In this mode, all other buttons in the selection bar are gray and cannot be selected. This means that all other selections are locked during a measurement.
  • To cancel a measurement or to return to the edit mode, press the <go> button again (Figure 16).
  • The Enter key on your keyboard may also be pressed to start a measurement and the ESC key may be pressed to cancel a measurement.
  • Additional information about the processes that the ACAM System is performing, will be displayed in the working area or the footer of the ACAM System screen. 

Figure 16: Measurement Mode

Undo Button:

The undo button undoes the last action. This function can undo all steps made in a particular session using the ACAM System. If there are no steps saved, this button is not displayed. Please refer to: "Administration/Setup."

You can choose and release measurements. If there are pull down bars you will find additional selections.


In the displayarea you will see the measured data. There will be very different contents according to the choosen tap and the activated button. Also there are different mechanism to work on available. Auch die zur Verfügung stehenden Bearbeitungsmechanismen können sehr Unterschiedlich sein.
A click, double click or a right click in the displayarea will possibly show an additional menu.
Ill.: Displayarea
Head- and Bottomline
The headline shows the system menu and the screenbuttons. The headline is in all screens the same.

The bottomline shows different programspecific informations. On the right side you see the actual date and time.

In the displayarea you will see the measured data. There will be very different contents according to the choosen tap and the activated button. Also there are different mechanism to work on available. Auch die zur Verfügung stehenden Bearbeitungsmechanismen können sehr Unterschiedlich sein.
A click, double click or a right click in the displayarea will possibly show an additional menu.
Ill.: Displayarea

In the displayarea you will see the measured data. There will be very different contents according to the choosen tap and the activated button. Also there are different mechanism to work on available. Auch die zur Verfügung stehenden Bearbeitungsmechanismen können sehr Unterschiedlich sein.
A click, double click or a right click in the displayarea will possibly show an additional menu.
Ill.: Displayarea
Head- and Bottomline
The headline shows the system menu and the screenbuttons. The headline is in all screens the same.

The bottomline shows different programspecific informations. On the right side you see the actual date and time.