Tone Audiometry Introduction
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The ACAM System tone audiometry contains all subjective measuring procedures necessary for determining the hearing sensitivity prior to a hearing aid fitting. The operation is performed using a mouse and/or keyboard. Prior to a starting a measurement, determine the measuring signals for the test ear and the non-test ear. All settings available for audiometry can be changed using the <set> button.

Figure 123: Tone audiometry tab displaying air conduction (right) measurement

The tone audiometry screen consists of two diagrams in the dB HL display:

    1. A line containing the frequency selection buttons
    2. A level indicator and the menu navigation

When the audiometer is enabled, only two buttons are available for selection:

  1. The <mic> button (to enable the microphone or talk back).
  2. The <go> button (to switch off).

When changes are made to the signal being presented, there are two points (right/left) that move. The ACAM System footer displays information about the measurement being performed. Instructions for operating the tone audiometry are located in corresponding help texts.

Overview of menu items:

Enabled buttons are pressed. A measurement is enabled, starting, or still running. In this mode, all other buttons in the selection bar are gray and cannot be selected except for <go> and <mic>.

Audiometry types

<tone>: tone audimetry

<speech>: speech audiometry

<snr>: sentence test

Selection of the test ear

<ri>: right (active)

<leI>: left

Measuring type

<ac>: air conduction measurement

Measuring type

<bc>: bone conduction measurement

Meauring type

<fsf>: free field measurement

Measuring type

<uc>: uncomfortable level

Measuring type

<tin>: tinnitus matching measurement

Measuring type

<mcl>: (Most Comfortable Level) measurement

<mic>: Switches the signal between talk back and microphone (also possible using the   keys G or M)

<go>: starts the measurement and turns the signal on

<set>: opens the the ACAM System setup for the current tab (i.e. audiometry)

<print>: performs a printing task, after choosing a printer