Please read the safety information before proceeding. For general operational instructions, please refer to the section: “General remarks to the operation.” Be sure to perform required maintenance and regular checks of the ACAM System.
Note: Specialized personnel should only operate the ACAM System and the audiometer.
General information on measuring mode and edit mode:
Go Button disabled: Edit Mode
Go Button enabled: Measuring Mode
It is possible to control the audiometer using the keyboard of your computer. Figure 121 shows the key assignments of the keyboard that are connected to the audiometer. Please use this table as reference if desired.
Figure 121: Keyboard layout for controlling the ACAM System audiometer
Status of the audiometer:
The audiometer has three different test modes.
Click <tone> to enable tone audiometry. |
Click <speech> to enable speech audiometry. |
Click <snr> to enable sentence tests. |
Function of the buttons:
Figure 122: Button bar showing an example of tone audiometry.
The buttons are arranged in groups, symbolized by the red lines in Figure 122. A group represents a functional unit. Only one button within a group may be selected. Therefore, if a button within a group is enabled then another pressed button is disabled.
In Figure 122 the groups are:
Group 1: Selection of the measuring method
Group 2: Selection of the side
Group 3: Selection of the measuring procedure
Group 4: Talk back microphone on/off
Group 5: Audiometer on/off
Group 6: Setup and Printing
For a description of the specific button functions, please refer to the sections: “Tone audiometry,” “Speech audiometry,” and “SNR measurement.”