Do not change the folder structures! A changing of the structure might have the result that the ACAM software doesn't start anymore.
Folder structure for the programs:
- Programs
- ACAM ACAM program files
- Data Data, ACAM uses during working process (filter or audio datas)
- LL Prining layouts (List and Label). Predefined datas for the printouts, integrated in ACAM
- Messreihen Datas of measurement series, that can be made with ACAM.
- Pictures Pictures for pediatric audiometry
- Sounds wave-files, that are used in 'Directional Hearing' in ACAM
- Sprachtests Installed speech tests
- System ACAM system files
In the 'ACAM' folder all programs and files are saved, that are needed for the operation of the ACAM system. These files are 'read-only' files, except the datas in 'Messreihen' and 'LL'. Here, new files are saved, if new layouts or measurment series are created.
Edit sounds in ACAM:
In the folder "Sounds" you can find the wave-files that are used in the 'Directional Hearing' module of ACAM.
You can rename, delete or add new files, if you want. All files that have an .ave or .wav suffix will be imported in ACAM at startup.
Other sound types are not supported yet. You first have to convert them into .wav format in order to be able to use them with the ACAM system.
Copy/import measurement series to other ACAM systems:
You can easily copy measurement series you have created on other ACAM devices into the 'Messreihen' folder.
The new measurement series will be imported into ACAM at startup.
Program data' folder:
The files in this folder are overwritten by the ACAM during the working process, that means when the software is running.
Depending on the operating system the path of the folder is different:
- Windows 7 and Vista: [...]\ProgramData\Acousticon\ACAM
- Windows 2000 and XP: [...]\Documents & Settings\AllUsers \Application Data\Acousticon\ACAM
- ACAMTEMP Temporary ACAM folder (saves the latest settings of the ACAM device)
- Sets User setups (User profiles)
- SysDat ACAM system datas, registry-(license) file, calibrations
- NOAH Folder for the NOAH files
Especially the SysDat folder is important, because it contains files like calibration and license files, that are crucial for the operation of the system.
The 'ACAMTEMP' folder:
In this folder the temporary files of ACAM are located. This includes measurements, audiograms, fittings etc.
If ACAM is started StandAlone, that means without NOAH, the latest data is loaded with all saved measurements. Because of this, no data is lost after a system crash or a power blackout. You can always load your latest data by starting ACAM in the StandAlone mode. Caution: If you start ACAM with NOAH, the device will overwrite all existing datas with those that are saved in the NOAH's database.
That means, if your system crashes while working under NOAH and you want to recover your working process via data export you have to start ACAM in StandAlone mode and then save your data via the export function. For further informations about data recovery please read the chapter 'Troubleshooting'.
If you delete this folder, you can easily delete all performed measurements of the system. The calibration, user settings, the license file and printing settings are unaffected. If you do this, make sure the ACAM software is not running!
It is also possible to backup the whole folder, and send it to another computer. This may be useful if you want to work with certain datas on another computer, or for troubleshooting.(See also: Delete / Export / Import).
The Sets folder:
In this folder the user settings and profiles are saved. You can copy these files to another system, to have the same user profiles. The user profiles will be imported automatically at the startup of ACAM. For further informations see: Administration / System.
Der zum Start verwendete Setup wird beim kopieren der Dateien nicht mit übertragen. Diese Einstellung müssen Sie Ggf. zusätzlich manuell setzen. Please consider that the user profile 'Default' is resetted after every update or installation, and furthermore activated as starting profile.
The 'SysDat' folder:
The test box and in situ calibrations are saved in this folder. The calibration files have an .dat ending and can be deleted to reset the calibrations to 'standard'. The license file contains all important datas, like license key, calibrations and system settings. The file's name is usually a 7-place number and a .reg ending. It is needed at every installation of the software.
Registry entries of ACAM:
All entries and datas of the ACAM system are found in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACOUSTICON\ACAM.
Subdirectories are
- Fragen Settings for the Questionnaires
- Kalibrierungen All calibrations, for this ACAM device
- System System settings
Almost all entries in this structure can be edited with the ACAM-Set. You should not edit entries manually!
Nevertheless some entries may be helpful for troubleshooting:
IP The IP-Adress of your ACAM device. This number must agree with the control unit.
Home_Path Directory to the program datas
Prog_Path Directory of the ACAM program